PHIL-P 100 Introduction to Philosophy (3 cr)

Perennial problems of philosophy, including problems in ethics, in epistemology and metaphysics, in philosophy of religion. Major emphases appear in the Schedule of Classes.
Offered every fall semester.

PHIL-P 105 Critical Thinking (3 cr)

We spend a good part of our waking hours thinking and/or critiquing the thoughts and beliefs of ourselves and others. This course is designed to help you develop a toolbox of techniques and skills that will help you become a skilled evaluator and creator of arguments.
Offered every spring semester.

PHIL-P 120 Ethics (3 cr)

An introductory course in ethics. Typically examines virtues, vices, and character; theories of right and wrong; visions of the good life; and contemporary moral issues.
Offered fall, spring, summer, online and classroom.

PHIL-P 140 Introduction to Ethics (3 cr)

Philosophers’ answers to ethical problems (e.g., nature of good and evil, relation of duty to self-interest, objectivity of moral judgments) and the applications of ethical theory to contemporary problems.
Offered fall and spring semesters.

PHIL-P 150 Elementary Logic (3 cr)

P150 is a course in formal sentential and symbolic logic. Topics addressed in this course will include the history of ideas in the formulation of logic and key thinkers in the discipline, as well as current computational and analytical strategies and methodologies in the field.

PHIL-P 200 Problems of Philosophy (3 cr)

Selected writings of modern philosophers concerning some of the most important philosophical problems.
Offered occasionally.

PHIL-P 282 Women in Philosophical Thought (3 cr)

A study of the classical and contemporary sources which influence and illustrate differing concepts of woman. The aim is for each student to clarify and assess the various concepts so as to better formulate and justify his or her own concept of woman.
Offered occasionally.

PHIL-P 310 Topics in Metaphysics

In this course, students will explore the nature of Philosophy and Metaphysics, and examine the impact of the masculine perspective on the creation and operationalization of both. Readings will be drawn from a variety of resources, and will include a wide range of female philosophers such as Carol Gilligan, Mary Wollstonecraft, Judith Jarvis Thompson, Ronnie Zoe Hawkins. Coursework will focus on student signature work in explication of the readings, and in original, metaphysical ideation and critical analysis.

PHIL-P 371 Philosophy of Religion (3 cr)

Topics such as the nature of religion, of religious experience, the status of claims of religious knowledge, the nature of existence of God.
Offered occasionally.

PHIL-P 393 Biomedical Ethics (3 cr)

A philosophical consideration of ethical problems that arise in current biomedical practice, e.g. with regard to abortion, euthanasia, determination of death, consent to treatment, and professional responsibilities in connection with research, experimentation, and health care delivery.
Offered even-numbered spring semesters.

PHIL-P 448 Seminar in American Philosophy (3 cr

An intensive study of a major American thinker such as Edwards, Royce, James, Pierce, Dewey or Whitehead, or a leading theme, such as community, experience or education.

PHIL-P 490 Readings in Philosophy (3 cr)

Intensive study of selected authors, topics, and problems.

PHIL-P 497 Internship in Philosophy (1-3 cr)

Designed to provide academic credit for paper or other project done for supervisor of the intern in a given semester. The student will also be assisting in some course(s) in this department. Does not count towards the major in Philosophy.
Offered on request.