MUS-T 109 Rudiments of Music I (3 cr)
Entry level class for students interested in how music works. The class deals with the fundamentals of notation, ear training, and music reading. Melody and harmony are explored.
MUS-T 113 Music Theory I (3 cr)
Study of the elements of basic musicianship: intervals, scales, triads, rhythm and meter, music nomenclature, rudiments of two-part writing and diatonic harmony. Intended for music students or highly motivated non-music majors.
Offered fall semester.
MUS-T 114 Music Theory II (3 cr)
Continuation of the study of harmony in context with four-part writing, diatonic harmony, secondary functions and modulation. Examination of musical forms and structures. Emphasis on musical analysis and compositional applications. Intended for music students or highly motivated non-music majors.
Offered spring semester.
- Prerequisite: MUS-T 113 or instructor permission
MUS-T 115 Sight-Singing And Aural Perception I (1 cr)
Diatonic melody and harmony; aural skills, music sightreading, keyboard skills. Music majors are advised to take this course concurrently with MUS-T113.
Offered fall semester.
MUS-T 116 Sight-Singing And Aural Perception II (1 cr)
Aural skills, music sight-reading, and keyboard skills. Music majors are advised to take this course concurrently with MUS-T 114.
Offered spring semester.
- Prerequisite: MUS-T 115 or instructor permission
MUS-T 213 Music Theory III (3 cr)
Historical survey of the elements, forms, and aesthetics of musical styles through written analysis, listening examples, and structured composition activities. Medieval through classical sonatas, including the entire harmonic vocabulary of the Common Practice Era. Intended for music students or highly motivated non-music majors.
Offered fall semester.
- Prerequisite: MUS-T 114 or instructor permission
MUS-T 214 Music Theory IV (3 cr)
Historical survey of the elements, forms, and aesthetics of musical styles through written analysis, listening examples, and structured composition activities. Classical through 20th century. Intended for music majors or highly motivated nonmusic majors.
Offered spring semester.
- Prerequisite: MUS-T 213 or instructor permission
MUS-T 215 Sight-Singing And Aural Perception III (1 cr)
Aural skills, music sight-reading, and keyboard skills. Music majors are advised to take this course concurrently with MUS-T 213.
Offered fall semester.
- Prerequisite: MUS-T 116 or instructor permission.
MUS-T 216 Sight-Singing And Aural Perception IV (1 cr)
Aural skills, music sight-reading, and keyboard skills. Music majors are advised to take this course concurrently with MUS-T 214.
Offered spring semester.
- Prerequisite: MUS-T 215 or instructor permission.
MUS-M 174 Music for the Listener I (3 cr)
Open to all students. This course introduces ways of listening and understanding music of different styles and periods through a broad survey of representative music in history. This course explores Western music from its origins to the 19th Century.
Offered fall semester and some spring semesters.
MUS-M 175 Music for the Listener II (3 cr)
Music of the 19th and 20th centuries. More intensive coverage than MUS-M 174.
Offered spring semester.
MUS-M 375 Survey of Ethnic and Popular Musics of the World (3 cr)
Covers musics of other nations and Native American musics for the general student.
MUS-M 403 History of Music I (3 cr)
Study of music from the beginning of western civilization to 1700. Analysis of representative compositions; relationship of music to the socio-cultural background of each epoch. Intended for music students or highly motivated non-music majors.
Offered in fall semester, even years.
MUS-M 404 - History of Music II (3 cr)
Continuation of MUS-M 403. Study of music from 1750 to the 20th Century. Analysis of representative compositions; relationships of music to the socio-cultural background of each epoch. Intended for music students or highly motivated non-music majors.
Offered in spring semester, odd years.
MUS-M 430 Introduction to Contemporary Music (3 cr)
A comprehensive study of the important music of the 20th Century, with an emphasis on works since 1945.
Offered summer or fall semester.
MUS-Z 103 Special Topics: Popular Music (3 cr)
Usually offered online. Open to all students. A survey of popular music in the last-half of the 20th Century.
Offered fall and/or spring semester.
MUS-Z 103 Special Topics: History of Country Music (3 cr)
Usually offered online. Open to all students. A survey of the origins, styles and trends of American country music.
Offered fall and/or spring semester.
MUS-Z 124 Beginning Contemporary Songwriting (3 cr)
Introduction to contemporary songwriting and music production. Students will learn to compose music utilizing various music software. Accessible to those with little or no previous formal music instruction.
MUS-Z 201 History of Rock Music I (3 cr)
A survey of the major trends, styles, and genres of rock music from the earliest recordings to the present day, focusing on the work of the artist and groups who have proven to be of the most enduring significance.
Offered fall, spring and summer semesters.
MUS-Z 315 Music for Film (3 cr)
A stylistic and analytic survey of music for moving pictures, concentrating on American and English narrative films.
MUS-Z 320 Advanced Special Topics in Music for Nonmajors (3 cr)
Topics vary with instructor and semester. May be repeated once for credit if topic differs.
MUS-Z 393 History of Jazz (3 cr)
A survey of the major periods, major performers and composers, trends, influences, and stylistic features and related materials of jazz music.
Offered fall semester.
MUS-X 040 Univ. Instrumental Ensembles (1-2 cr)
University instrument ensemble. May be repeated for credit.
MUS-X 070 University Choral Ensembles (2 cr)
IUE Chorale. Open to all students. See the schedule of classes for currently offered groups and criteria. May be repeated for credit.
MUS-B 120 Trumpet Elect/Secondary (2 cr)
Private trumpet lessons. Offered fall and spring semesters. Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-B 130 Trombone Elect/Secondary (2 cr)
Private trombone lessons. Offered fall and spring semesters. Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-B 320 Trumpet and Cornet (3 cr)
Private trumpet lessons. Offered fall and spring semesters. Repeatable for credit.
- Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
MUS-B 330 Trombone (3 cr)
Private trombone lessons.
Repeatable for credit.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-D 100 Percussion Elect/Secondary (2 cr)
Private percussion lessons.
Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-D 300 Percussion Instruments (3 cr)
Private percussion lessons.
Repeatable for credit.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
MUS-L 101 Beginning Guitar Class (2 cr)
Classical guitar instruction in a class situation for non-music majors.
May be repeatable for credit.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-L 200 Guitar (2 cr)
Private guitar lessons at the secondary level.
Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
MUS-L 300 Guitar Concentration (2-4cr)
Applied Music: Classical guitar (studio) at the concentration level.
Repeatable for credit.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
MUS-P 100 Piano Elect/Secondary (2 cr)
Individual piano lessons at the secondary level.
Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-majors.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: MUS-P 110 or consent of instructor.
MUS-P 110 Beginning Piano Class (2 cr)
Class piano for beginning piano students. For those with little or no previous formal instruction on the piano.
May be repeated for credit.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
MUS-P 200 Piano (2 cr)
Individual piano lesson at the secondary level. Offered fall and spring semesters. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
MUS-P 300 Piano (3 cr)
Individual piano lessons.
Repeatable for credit.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
MUS-S 110 Violin Elective (2 cr)
Individual violin lessons.
Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-V 100 Voice Elect/Secondary (2 cr)
Individual voice lessons.
Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-V 300 Voice (3 cr)
Individual voice lessons at the concentration level.
Repeatable for credit.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
MUS-W 110 Flute/Piccolo Elect/Secondary (2 cr)
Individual flute/piccolo lessons.
Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisites: None
MUS-W 130 Clarinet Elect/Secondary (2 cr)
Individual clarinet lessons.
Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-W 150 Saxophone Elect/Secondary (2 cr)
Individual saxophone lessons.
Repeatable for credit for music majors. Repeatable for up to 8 credits for non-music majors.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisite: None
MUS-W 350 Saxophone (3 cr)
Applied lessons are based in performance skills. Lessons are specially developed to meet the needs and goals of each individual student. Skills developed may include technical facility, music literacy, sight reading, improvisation and musicianship.
- Prerequisites: MUS-W 150 or consent of instructor
MUS-X 095 Performance Class (0 cr)
Performance laboratory.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
- Prerequisites: taken concurrently with applied lessons
MUS-I 420 Music Concentration Capstone (0 cr)
Senior project for students completing the BA in Humanities with a Music Concentration.
MUS-K 110 Composition, Elective Level (2 cr)
Studio composition for non-music majors. Intended to teach ability to organize materials into coherent musical structure. Content dependent on student’s experience.
Offered occassionally.
MUS-K 300 Composition Concentration (2-4 cr)
Individually prescribed lessons in composition.
Offered occasionally.
MUS-K 361 Introduction to MIDI and Computer Music (2-4 cr)
Modest working knowledge of personal computers. Basics of the Music Instrument Digital Interface system, it’s software, and the instruments commonly used with desktop MIDI workstations (synthesizers, digital samplers). MIDI sequencing, digital audio editing, and principles of digital synthesis. The course is intended for those with little prior technical training.
Offered occasionally.