ANTH-A 103 Human Origins and Prehistory (3 cr)

The biological evolution and archaeological history of the human species through Stone and Metal Ages.
Offered fall and spring semesters. Summer alternating years.

ANTH-A 104 Culture and Society (3 cr)

Introduction to the comparative study of human cultures and social processes that influence behavior.
Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters.

ANTH-P 200 Intro to Archaeology (3 cr)

Introduction to the goals, methods, and theories that archaeologists use to learn about the past. The pursuit and interpretation of archaeological evidence are explored by reviewing case studies from across the globe and diverse time periods. Topics include food and subsistence, culture change, social life, political economies, and archaeological ethics.

ANTH-B 200 Biological Anthropology (4 cr)

Bioanthropology of man, basic biological principles, morphology, function of evolutionary history. Man’s evolution from lower forms, environmental factors, speciation and differentiation into varieties, mixture, growth, sexual differences, constitutional variability.

ANTH-P 210 Life in the Stone Age (3 cr)

Examination of the major developments in the Stone Age, emphasizing technological innovations, changes in subsistence patterns, and geographic and ecological expansions of human populations. The course will consist of weekly lectures and a laboratory practicum where students will learn to make and use stone tools.
Offered fall semester, alternating years.

ANTH-P 301 Archaeological Methods & Analyses (3 cr)

Specific field or laboratory methods for collecting and analyzing archaeological materials and data within a framework of answering research questions about the past. Topics vary: dating, materials science, subsistence indicators, archaeological survey.
Credit not given for both ANTH-P 400 and ANTH-P 301.
Offered occasionally.

  • Prerequisites: ANTH-P 200 or consent of instructor

ANTH-B 320 Forensic Anthropology (3 cr)

This course will explore the application of biological anthropology in the legal process of death investigation. Topics to be covered include: determining sex, age, and ancestry from human remains; procedures for reconstructing trauma and/or pathological conditions from skeletons; the ethics of forensic anthropology; and working with law enforcement agencies.

ANTH-P 360 Prehistory of North America (3 cr)

An exploration of the archaeology of North America by addressing current issues and debates, including the peopling of the New World, hunter-gatherer research, origins of agriculture, socio-political complexity and inequality, trade and exchange, post-colonial culture contact, and archaeological ethics. Archaeological evidence from several regions and culture areas is emphasized.
Offered fall semester, odd years.

ANTH-P 405 Fieldwork in Archaeology (1-8 cr)

Archaeological work directed toward field techniques: excavation and preservation of materials, surveying, photography, and cataloging.
Offered occasionally.

ANTH-E 200 Social and Cultural Anthropology (3 cr)

Intermediate survey of theories and problems in social and cultural anthropology. Historical development, methods in inquiry, focal problems, and contemporary theoretical perspectives.
Offered occasionally.

ANTH-E 300 Culture Areas and Ethnic Groups (3 cr)

An ethnographic survey of a selected culture area or ethnic group.
Offered fall semester, alternating years.

ANTH-E 310 Cultures of Africa (3 cr)

Ethnographic survey of culture areas south of the Sahara.
Offered occasionally.

ANTH-E 320 Indians of North America (3 cr)

Ethnographic survey of culture areas from Arctic to Panama plus cross-cultural analysis of interrelations of culture, geographical environment, and language families.
Offered fall semester.

ANTH-L 200 Language and Culture (3 cr)

An introduction to the study of language and its relations to the rest of culture.

ANTH-A 305 Museum Studies I: Methods History, Issues (3 cr)

Introduction to basic workings of an art museum: the history of museums, collection management, cataloging of objects. The course works closely with the IU Art Museum and its staff and, where applicable, with staff from other museums nearby.

Joint offered with FINA-A 390 and HIST-T 325

ANTH-A 405 Museum Methods (3 cr)

Methods and techniques of museum design, administration, accessioning, conservation and restoration, acquisition of specimens, curatorial work, exhibition and education.
Offered spring semester, alternating years.

  • Prerequisites: Coursework in art and art history and/or introductory anthropology.

ANTH-A 150 Freshman Seminar in Anthropology: Topics (3 cr)

Introduction to the study of anthropology through the applicability of anthropological theory and method to specific social and cultural issues. May be repeated twice with different topics.
Offered spring semester, alternating years.

ANTH-A 200 Topics in Anthropology of Culture and Society (3 cr)

Selected topics in the anthropological study of social and cultural institutions. Emphasizes understanding and developing anthropological approaches to questions about social, economic, political, and historical relationships among groups and individuals in contexts across the globe. Course topics may utilize ethnographic, archaeological, linguistic, and historical information.

ANTH-A 400 Undergrad. Sem. in Anthropology (3 cr)

Seminar in various anthropology topics that are not covered by other anthropology courses, excluding ethnography and ethnology.
Offered occasionally.

ANTH-A 495 Ind. Studies in Anthropology (1-4 cr)

A supervised, in-depth examination through individual research on a particular topic selected and conducted by the student in consultation with an anthropology faculty member.

  • Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor